Application tips
do you still have questions about your application? here we have some answers and tips for you:
Please only apply online via our application portal. Due to data protection regulations, we ask you to refrain from sending applications by e-mail or post to our HR team.
Yes, you can send us an unsolicited application and we would be happy if you apply via our online portal: to the unsolicited application.
We look forward to receiving the following documents with your complete application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Diplomas / Certificates
- Photo (optional)
- Salary expectation
- Period of notice
Information that has no effect on a decision according to the AGG ("Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz" - General Equal Treatment Act) is not mandatory.
If you have successfully submitted your application via our application portal, you will then receive a confirmation email. Please also check your spam folder if necessary.
If you have not received a confirmation email, we will be happy to help you. Please send an email to or call us on 02351/936-0.
Your application will first be reviewed by the HR department and then forwarded to the relevant department for further review. We endeavour to process your application as quickly as possible. If the assessment is positive, you will be invited to an interview (initial interview). This takes place either online or on site. Afterwards, and if both sides are positive, an invitation is sent for a second, more in-depth interview. The selection process is concluded with the announcement of the decision.
Yes, you are welcome to apply for several positions at the same time. Please also apply here via our online portal.
Yes, we would be happy to give you an insight into our company. We offer student internships in the following areas:
- Development (hardware, software)
- Commercial (purchasing, sales, marketing, HR, accounting)
- Logistics
- Technical (IT, production, fixture construction, test equipment development)
Please send your application via our online portal and state the area in which you would like to complete your internship. We will check your request together with the responsible department.
Yes, during the creation of your candidate profile in our application portal, you will be asked whether we may store your data for the purpose of further consideration and contact for future suitable job offers. You can give your consent by ticking the box. A subsequent request and consent for inclusion in the talent pool is also possible.
Your documents will then be stored in our system for 24 months from the date of submission. In the event of a suitable job offer for you, we will contact you. Two weeks before the archiving period expires, you will automatically receive an email from the system where you can agree to extended data storage. If you do not actively agree to the extended data storage, your data will be automatically deleted after the 24-month archiving period. You can also request earlier deletion at any time.
You can rest assured that your data will be treated with absolute confidentiality and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. You can find more details in the data protection declaration for applicants, which you can read when registering in our application portal. At the end of the archiving period of usually six months, or 24 months if you have agreed to longer data storage, your data will be automatically deleted.
In a personal interview with us, you should be prepared for general questions about yourself and individual sections of your CV. Of course, we are interested in your expertise and how much professional experience you have for the selected position. We would like to know why you are interested in this job offer and in Insta GmbH. The interview offers you the opportunity to clarify your open questions about the company, your career opportunities, your tasks and your future team.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Please contact our general HR account at: so that the HR colleague responsible can get in touch with you.