Insta helps regional forests
Drought and beetle problems in urban woodland areas are being addressed through reforesting - electronics specialist Insta finances seedlings and planting campaign.
The Märkische Kreis and Lüdenscheid have already come face to face with the phenomenon of climate change over the past years. The forests, which function as a climate regulator, have sadly been severely affected by the droughts of recent summers, insomuch that beetle infestations, forest fires, and heavy rainfall have been wreaking havoc within the region. This left such an impression on the employees at Insta, that they seized on the initiative to approach their managers with an idea. “Insta undertakes so much in supporting environmental protection across so many areas, let us now do something together for the woodlands of the region and fight the effects of climate change”. In Marcus Teuber, a forester and expert was found that understood their enthusiasm and who could manage.
The forest is an important and necessary bulwark in the fight against a changing global climate. Unfortunately, the current tree population with its high percentage of spruce does not always cope well with heat and aridity. The trees’ lack of resilience due to drought stress has subsequently favoured a mass propagation of the bark beetle, which have torn gaping corridors throughout this green habitat.
"Reforesting done properly" is therefore the motto that forestry experts have now issued. Consequently, district forester Marcus Teuber from the regional forestry office of the Märkisches Sauerland is delighted with Insta's help: "After all, it's our forest and we foresters think it's tremendous when our local companies get involved. The forest does need help so that something can be done quickly - and preferably from the region”. Teuber has mediated areas within the municipal forest for the project. Lüdenscheid owns around 500 hectares of forest, a good third of which has been permanently damaged by bark beetles and dry summers and must be reforested, preferably concordant with the environment.
Firmly rooted in the region
Insta’s two managing directors, Alexander Burgbacher and Jeroen Rijswijk gladly took up their employees' idea. "The forests shape the Sauerland. Our company and its employees are firmly rooted in the region. It is our goal as a company, not only to be as environmentally friendly as possible but also to give something back to society. “Here in the form of trees," says Alexander Burgbacher. For the project, 5,800 seedlings are to be planted on one hectare of the Lüdenscheid-Krummenscheid forest area. Together with the forester, special English oaks have been selected which are particularly resistant to late frost and thus ideal for the region. In addition, 250 wild cherries and 500 hornbeams are to be planted, the latter having a lateral supporting effect on the oaks and thus ensuring for a more stable growth. A so-called “hording fence” made of residual wood and cut to size on-site, will be in place to protect the young plants from wildlife browsing.
Insta is thus carrying on in the region with that what has distinguished the company for years: Insta continuously invests in environmental protection within the company, development, production, and its products. Insta is regularly environmentally certified according to ISO 14001, draws electricity exclusively from renewable sources, plans to have its own photovoltaic system within the near future - and Insta prioritises energy-saving and resource-conserving processes. As a specialist for internet networking and the smart connection of products (Internet of Things), "Insta is always oriented towards the most energy-saving and sustainable of networking technologies", Alexander Burgbacher points out.
Jeroen Rijswijk reacted enthusiastically right from the start to the forest action. "Because it is practical, realistic but also future-oriented. It's a hands-on mentality that fits in well with us." The company's management has focused in recent years on the sustainability of the company's DNA and its products. Jeroen Rijswijk: "Our goal is to improve people's lives - through technological innovation and also through our commitment to a sustainable future." Insta's young trees are to be planted by the beginning of December; the first planting date already took place at the beginning of November.