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made in Germany - made in Lüdenscheid

We stand for quality, reliability, and innovation. Right from the conception stage, we keep the quality requirements in mind. State-of-the-art Fuji SMT systems with a unique setup concept ensure maximum flexibility. Our intelligent testing technology covers the entire value chain. With a final quality assurance process, we ensure that your products are delivered flawlessly. Upon request, we also take care of Product Lifecycle Management, install necessary updates, and maintain your apps (OS management). You no longer need to worry about normative changes either. We have everything under control and react promptly to any changes that are important for your product.

Insta receives Staufen partnership seal in the categories of smart factory and digital transformation, as well as lean transformation

With this award, Staufen AG recognises the outstanding performance of an ambitious company transformation to promote best-practice solutions in the categories Smart Factory and Digital Transformation as well as Lean Transformation. The new seals underline Insta's orientation towards digitalisation and consolidate the existing successful partnership at the Lüdenscheid company location.
